好快! 已經快要過一半了。從別的布落格看到 Kiefer 在裡面不只戒酒連煙也戒掉了,這是好現象希望他出來後能容光煥發。 My God it's so quick! Already crossed a half time. from other Blog to see Kiefer not only to stop drinking even stop smoking.This was the good phenomenon hoped he came out can have a good looking and good health.
今天是 Kiefer 的41歲生日,他大概沒法像以往的生日那樣慶祝。 說實在的每個孩子都是父母的心頭肉不管是40, 50 只要父母還健在永遠都是孩子。 Happy Birthday Kiefer, Hope you have a nice day. Even 40 , 50 parents still alive you always is kid.
原來他右手刺青的意思就是"我相信你會殺了我" 他的音樂工作室所發行的第一張專輯。 I finally made clear Kiefer right arm tattoo the words is "I Trust You To Kill Me". It's Rocco Deluca & The Burden first album by Ironworks. 我特別要謝謝 Addicted 告訴我這張照片的出處是一本德國雜誌. Thanks Addicted talk to me this picture from a Germany magazine.