24 Exile Trailer from Comic Con. (From
Benny Blog)
24: Exile, is supposed to set things up for the coming 7th season, and bridge the gap between it and the sixth season of the show. The 88-minute feature will air on Sunday, November 23rd.
Then, just two days later, Fox will release an “exclusive DVD extended edition creator’s cut” of 24: Exile. This November 25th release will be presented in anamorphic widescreen, with English 5.1 Dolby Surround Sound audio and subtitles in English, Spanish and French. Extras on this disc include a Commentary Track, a Making-Of Featurette, a “Children of War” Featurette, a wrap-up of “24 - Season 6 in Four Minutes”, a look at 24 - Season 7’s “First Act”, and a trailer for 24 - Season 7. Cost will be $26.98 SRP in the USA, and CA$37.98 SRP in Canada. Stay tuned for package art, and any further info or updates we find out about this release.(
From Kiefer Sutherland Home)
24 Exile --24反恐任務"流浪"預告片來自Comic Con.(內容來自Benny Blog)
24 Exile,是為即將來臨的第七季做為與第六季的連結,88分鐘影片將在11/23週日放映,兩天後福斯公司將發售製作人特別剪輯加長版DVD,有英文,西班牙文及法文(沒中文)。內容包括講評拍攝過程,還有為戰爭中的兒童做特別報導。有4分鐘第6季及部份第7季的拍攝過程預告片。.....台灣大概不會出DVD,想要看的人自個兒想辦法啦!