以下為同行好友安以英文發表於Benny Blog的內容,我將簡譯並以中文補充部份內容。
安將這次見 Kiefer 之旅寫的非常詳實。而我補充我的心情及感想。
Hi all, I saw Kiefer in HK! He looked so handsome, cute and sweet, incredibly sweet!! He also looks young and well-formed, I didn´t feel he is Jack Bauer at all, he is Kiefer!! I saw him and stood in his side and I felt his smell, wonderful and nature, so far I still feel I´m dreaming. LOL
大家好,我到香港見 Kiefer!他看起來英俊瀟灑、可愛和有魅力的,不可思議的魅力,他看起來年輕,不覺得他像是電視裡的傑克鮑爾,他是Kiefer!! 我站在他的身邊,感覺他的氣息如此的自然美好,到目前為止我仍然感覺在作夢。 LOL
Me and my friend arrive at the grand cinema at 1:20pm, we didn´t find the place was being prepared to welcome the stars so we were worried and went to ask the staff about Kiefer, but we got very frustrated that those staff just kept their mouth shut and didn´t want to say who would come in this evening, so we were wondering in there observating the situation, at least 4 people asked me if I was a reporter within 2 hours. I didn´t know if it was a good thing or not, maybe they thought I was a paparazzo.
我們在下午的一點多抵達"The Grand Cinema",發現並沒有一個為歡迎巨星光臨的準備,開始有點兒耽心,並詢問現場工作人員有關 Kiefer 的事,完全得不到任何答案,現場的情形讓人不可思議,在那兩小時內至少4個人過來問安是否是攝影師,當時不知是好還是壞事,或許他們以為我們是狗仔隊。
The cinema is in a huge mall, in the second floor and the place wasn´t big enough to contain a huge amount of people and I also think this event wasn´t been open for fans because I asked some HK people and they all said they didn´t know Kiefer would come.
Near 5pm, I saw many security guards come in and started a meeting so we believed that kiefer would arrive too. The place was been fast arranged for the interview, a lot of media people were waiting in there too, we were waiting excitedly to see Kiefer.

We found a VIP room in a corner earlier, so we kept an eye on that room door too, Kiefer arrived in that VIP room about 6:40pm, I nearly couldn´t see Kiefer when the door re open after a few minute because he was being surrounded by many people, staffs and security guards, that frustrated me, I thought I wouldn´t leave HK and have flown far away from my home just to see Kiefer so I didn´t want to get nothing when I back home! I kept filming it even though those security guards tried to block my view. I was so desperate and felt angry, so I called out loud Kiefer and he hear me!!!!!
在早點時我們發現離戲院不遠處有一間貴賓室,所以我們站在入口處並一直在注意貴賓室那裡,6:40發現一群人走進貴賓室,我告訴安那頭有動靜,我過去看看,當我走到貴賓室門口時,門剛好緩緩的開啟,我看到了!我看到了!一個熟悉的臉龐,在投射燈的照射下我一眼就認出那是Kiefer,我興奮極了拿起相機,門口的守衛立刻伸手擋住我,並一直說不要拍,我告訴他我不用閃光燈拍到Kiefer就離開,他不讓拍,我越講越大聲,我太矮了跟本沒法子,我轉頭跑向安,一邊跑一邊喊著 "快點,快點Kiefer 在裡面"安說看到我揮手就知道了,當她跑到貴賓室附近拿起相機-Kiefer 剛好走出貴賓室身邊一大群穿制服的安全人員及電影節的工作人員,但我們眼裡只有Kiefer,
我忘情的大喊"Kiefer !!!Kiefer!!!安大喊著"Kiefer I love you ",終於Kiefer注意到我們了,我聽到 Kiefer 說:"OK,It's OK""want me to sign it",安說"Yes,Please"並送上她的Redemption DVD。
而我則是翻開我的心情筆記本並對 Kiefer 說"How are you?" Kiefer 笑著回答 :"Nice to meet you" 我抬頭看著Kiefer一時之間什麼都忘了.......... 他的微笑是那麼的真...他的聲音溫柔親切帶著磁性他獨特的魅力!一切的一切,不安疲憊都消失了,這一趟千里來回的辛勞代價都值得了。
Kiefer 簽好名我們就被安全人員推開,並阻擋前進,真的當我們回到紅地毯入口處跟本沒法靠近,只好繞到看版後方想從縫隙裡照Kiefer,只是那裡站了4個保全人員把我們擋住(真可惡)
。Those staffs just kept their lead and walked a little faster with Kiefer to their interview place but Kiefer saw me and smiled at me, he was just so sweet and charming!! I felt lucky that my camera didn´t drop to the ground because I felt my heart nearly stopping when Kiefer looked at me. LOL. He kept walking and then he looked at me again and smiled again so I said "I love you" to him!!! Ohhh!! How I dared?? (that was my first time saing "I love you" in public!!!!) and Kiefer said "Nice to meet you" to me, OMG! He is truly sweet! He saw the Redemption DVD in my hand so he said "want me to sign it?"
Even though he was been kept away from fans by those people, he was still willing to give fans a signature, he was so attentive, I still don´t believe that I was a lucky girl until yesterday!!! He is very genteel and adorable, he looks like a big star and attention-getting but his attitude is just like he is your friend or family, incredibly cordial.
雖然那些人讓粉絲與Kiefer保持距離,Kiefer 依然幫我們簽名,我一直不感相信我是那獲得簽名的幸運女孩直到昨天,他是一位斯文和值得崇拜的人,他是一個大明星但呈現出來的確像是一位朋友或家人,不可思議的親切。
從貴賓室到小舞台距離不遠但至少超過20個警衛在那裡在Kiefer 進入紅地毯以後就不再出現了,從別的通道離開會場。因為站在紅地毯外跟本聽不見也看不到裡面的情形,我們等到警衛撤離才失望的離開。
對我來說這是一個美好的經驗,雖然很短暫但 Kiefer 的親切的回應了一切,我不會忘記這一天,而且我希望未來能再度見到他。
以下是bauerraines24留言在 Benny 留言板的話: Hi ladies, hi BB, and Hi all french's Kieferette i met last week. Congratulation Ann for your meeting... I know what it is to see the man and hear his voice, see his smile...I never forgot this experience and i hope, you never too. I hope all Kiefer's fan could met Kiefer one day or another... It's a great gift of life. Cross my finger for you and also for me.. who knows?
當你見過 Kiefer 你會被他的魅力吸引感覺到他的親和力,永遠無法忘懷。
後話: 香港號稱亞洲第一大城市,竟然沒有一個像樣的地方舉辦這個活動,看看其他城市舉辦同樣的電影宣傳活動,香港太差勁丟臉。